MFI Blog

Fashion management in Milan: which master to choose?

Milan has a large selection of institutions connected to fashion management, and that, without a doubt, is because Milan is the capital of Italian and International fashion, the place where new styles and trends, combined with historical brands, make up the so-called “Made in Italy”. Biannually hosting “Fashion Week”, Milan is one of the most important hub for international fashion scene along with New York, London and Paris. “Milano Fashion Week” was firstly launched in 1958 along the lines of the Florence fashion show by Gian Battista Giorgini, the first man who, in the 1951, exhibited the High-Fashion collections by Italian Designers. Yes, Mr. Giorgini has been the pioneer who promoted the Italian Fashion System in the International panorama.

Inside the Brand

Have you ever wondered which kind of activities allow to build up a fashion brand? Now, the first thing coming to your minds surely is “needle and thread” and all the activities connected to sartorial department and its passion for creativity, but you must know that there is also a management department which is responsible for all the activities related to the business governance.

What do these two different components have in common? A good answer could be “accuracy”. Accuracy is not only a useful skill for working with lacy or silky handmade creations, but also in all management and communication activities related to the final product. Do you want to know more about? Milano Fashion Institute is here for that, offering you the possibility to choose among four Master’s Degree in Management and Communication.

If you want to learn more about it, schedule a call with us. We can provide you with all the answer you need.


“If you wanna be my lover…” this is the beginning of a famous ‘90s song refrain. After that, the song describes all the valid terms that allow to verify the condition (i.e. the ways to become a perfect lover). That’s how it’s done! First of all, you need to realize which road do you want to take. Yes, because the area of management in a fashion company is like a big town full of little districts, and each one of these is coordinated by a Manager. Let’s see together what role perfectly fits you!

If you wanna be a Product Manager, Brand Manager, Fashion Coordinator or Licensing Manager, the Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Product Management could be the right choice! This course is aimed to form professionals, with different skills, that are able to contribute to the process of brand management and collection development. They are professional figures that integrate multi-disciplinary skills (design – management – communication), much in demand by fashion companies formed but that are not formed by the traditional educational courses, usually oriented exclusively to a single discipline. These professionals are able to manage and coordinate the process of brand management, from the declination of the brand language on the different lines, to the planning and development of the collections, and finally up to the management of product’s communication to the trade market.

If you wanna be a Store Manager, Visual Merchandiser, Category Manager or CRM and Sustainability Manager, the Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Business Management it is what you need! In this master more than one discipline will be merged, in order to train the most qualified and innovative professional figures who will be responsible of the business management in the world of fashion and luxury.

  • First step: studying the business models, their evolution, and their business strategies in the industry.
  • Second step: recognizing and studying the different retail and business channels, the underlying business logics and in their specific operations, from fashion buying and retail merchandising, to sales & digital management.
  • Third step: understanding the consumer and the relationships between different channels. From the analysis of customer’s behaviors and the influence of the sensory design and their lifestyles, until the omnichannel strategy and the digital integration.

The objective of MFI is putting the consumer at the center, to create seamless experiences that connect all the different touchpoints, and to know how to identify and to generate and plan successful business and retail strategies.

If you wanna be a Fashion stylist, Fashion Editor, Visual & Artistic Researcher, Trend Analyst, Cool Hunter, Junior Marketing Manager, Event Manager or Communication Manager, Social Media Manager, Digital PR, Digital Content Manager, PR Manager, Press Office Manager or Cultural Heritage Manager and Corporate Sustainability Manager, the Master In Fashion Direction: Brand & Communication Management is the path for you!

This master teaches how brands have cultural identities and roots, which often come out from the products and the company’s technical expertise and craftsmanship, while in other cases it is the result of a careful brand strategy and communication architecture. The management and exploitation of this area are increasingly important for global competitiveness.  In this area, professionals are required to possess skills in order to create value for the final customer and the different other targets of communication and marketing strategies, as well as being able to interact with all the segments of the pipeline from design and product management to marketing and retailing. As a matter of fact, companies are conceiving these roles as based on multidisciplinary competences and on the ability of interacting with various “cultural languages”, understanding the sophisticated different feelings, moods and approaches that different market’ segments and targets possess, with traditional and digital tools and channels. Thus, the capability to translate this cultural D.N.A. and heritage into policy and managerial guidelines for the different processes involving brand positioning, advertising and marketing, communication and promotion is the next challenge that companies are facing. Visual imagery, communication conception, digital management, layout design, events and press management are the founding pillars of this profession. Milan – the Italian capital city of communication – the ideal setting and a competitive edge for a comprehensive learning environment.

If you wanna be a Brand Manager, Marketing Manager, Licensing Manager, Art Director Assistant, Trend Analyst, Digital Content Manager, Event Designer or Event Manager Master In Lifestyle Management: Design, Wellness & Events is for you! This educational path is aimed at training those professionals who will act as a bridge between creative and managerial processes in the lifestyle and creative based industries. From being junior brand manager, to product manager, merchandising manager, or event manager, the common denominator is to understand and manage the complexity of creative design processes, as well as projects aimed at designing services, intangibles, brand identities and powerful storytelling.

Traditional companies, from fashion to design, are radically re-thinking their business models, designing new strategies for targeting new customer segments, and addressing the needs of a new, demanding, unexpected customer base. That’s why brands are moving into lifestyle, from fashion, to design, wellness, experiences and event management too. Merging traditional skills, designing and marketing brand experiences, the Master in Lifestyle Management represents the link between business management and design management.


Well, you just need to choose what you want become! For any need and to get information on our masters, contact us. You can write an email to or call us at +39.02.3031.6640.

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