MFI Blog

Short Fashion Courses in Milan: this is what MFI has designed

Fashion is a complicated sector, made of creativity but also of a lot of designing and planning. A company, in order to prosper in this area, will have to make the best use of each section that composes it, from the managerial to the productive. Thus, become fundamental professional figures such as the managerial type and with unconventional knowledge and skills. This is why Milano Fashion Institute wanted to set up two Short Courses on sensitive issues such as Fashion Law and New Sustainable Fashion: to create greater value in the figure that tomorrow will be part of the glittering world of fashion business.

Milano Fashion Insititute has been operating for years in the field of fashion business and has three professional master’s degrees which aim at the concrete insertion of its participants in the fashion world. The masters are, in fact, structured paths lasting about a year and are composed of a period of in-class activities and a period of practical training in the company (internship). To these, however, the Institute wanted to support other courses, called “Short Courses” with a shorter duration and cost, to increase skills and provide the added value that all companies in these years are looking for.

Why add Short Courses?

Milano Fashion Institute, with its Short Fashion Courses, wanted to provide an additional service not only for its students but also for professionals, young managers and external university students. With in class lectures and in the field lasting only three weeks, the student can raise the level of his knowledge and put the acquired knowledge into the workplace, thus encouraging innovation and precision to the company.

The short course is an alternative or additional way, which allows you to go into lesser-known topics but with a very strong social and professional value. The modern society, in fact, requires dynamism and more and more specific skills to young professionals, for this reason it is essential to present yourself at the door of the Fashion Companies with a curriculum that meets the expectations. The experience gained during the course, together with the in – class lectures, prepare our students to experience an all-round training course in a short time. Nowadays the time is fundamental: of all, this is the unit of measure that worries us the most and which keeps us in suspense. Time is always insufficient, both for training and for the realization of personal projects. The student is always in a race against the time to acquire as much knowledge as possible, trying to mature even the “called” cross-competences, today adored by the companies. This is one of the reasons that let us offer two short courses didactical completed, but lasting only three weeks.

In addition to these specialized courses, the city of Milan offers its opportunities, its creativity, its dynamism, but above all, with a network of companies operating in the bug and constantly growing fashion sector. An integral part of the Short Courses, in fact, are the testimonies of professionals in the sector as well as educational visits to the major Milan fashion companies. The field study is a cornerstone of the Milano Fashion Institute method because it allows the student to learn through direct observation, but also to empower him by showing him the true nature of his future work. The “know-how” combined with a great sense of responsibility and initiative is what most interests companies today. But let’s see the details of the two short courses that Milano Fashion Institute has designed.

If you want to learn more about it, schedule a call with us. We can provide you with all the answer you need.

New Sustainable Fashion: the importance of sustainability

Due to the industrial boom of the mid-twentieth century, today we find ourselves dealing with the environment and paying the consequences of the mistakes made by our predecessors. Global pollution and unbridled consumerism have become a serious problem of our society. Everywhere there are initiatives aimed at improving production mechanisms, establishing greener lifestyles and enhancing careful consumption of both perishable and non-perishable goods. The fashion industry, like many others, was inundated with these issues and therefore had to adapt and create new sustainable business models. In doing so, the companies have the opportunity to achieve two distinct results: that of increasing the positive opinion of customers towards them and that of implementing strategies aimed at promoting the eco-system and the health of people.

Two pillars of eco-sustainable fashion are Vivienne WestWood and Stella McCarteny. These two brands have taken the ethical and ecological issue in the fashion industry very seriously, bringing better working conditions to the countries where production takes place and using both valuable and recycled materials for their collections.

Stella McCartney

Stella McCartney

Vivienne WestWood


In the course of New Sustainable Fashion, MFI with the support of Vogue Talents, offers an educational path aimed at exploring these issues. The design, creation and production processes of a company in the fashion industry are changing profoundly and are increasingly aimed at a young, dynamic and caring for the environment.  A deepening of this specific theme is necessary, especially now that all the companies in this sector are adapting, starting projects of environmental sustainability and ethics.

To find out more in detail how the course is structured, who is addressed and what is the training objective, you can check the page related to the course, New Sustainable Fashion.

Fashion Law

The legislative field is certainly not material for all, but it is one of those transversal themes that touch all sectors and have specific rules and singularities to know and respect. Often, in fact, one becomes part of a specific working world, without however knowing all the peculiarities and problems. Despite the studies carried out are on line, operating within a fashion company provides specific knowledge also in the legislative field.

The aim of the course is to provide all the tools necessary to operate easily within a Fashion Company. The first step is to bring the student closer to the fashion environment, providing him with a basic knowledge of the sector, business models and segmentation of the sector. Subsequently, a thorough study of the company processes will be carried out, starting from the concept design, passing through the production processes, up to the final management of the client. For a better understanding the course includes practical activities and in-depth analysis on real case studies.

On the webpage dedicated to the Fashion Law Course, you will find all the information related to the teaching organization, to the specialized teaching staff and to the registration procedures.

To conclude

The updating and specific skills are those components that most make the difference in the world of work, especially in areas in constant growth such as fashion. This is why Short Courses were born, to provide both these components and help you achieve your goals.

For any information regarding the two Short Courses of Milano Fashion Institute contact us at this number +39.02.3031.6640 or write us at We are always ready to answer your questions and provide you all the support you need.

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