MFI Blog

Studying in Italy as an international student is possible! How?

Yes and it is simple, let’s start from the beginning: why come to Italy to attend a Fashion Management course?

Dante Alighieri, who was the first to praise the beauty of our country in the Divina Commedia said: “Del bel paese là dove ’l sì sona”, into Inferno. Our peninsula is characterized by an unparalleled historical as well as cultural heritage and, to no one’s surprise, it’s the country with the most UNESCO world heritage sites in the world. Italy is a relatively small portion of territory that boasts a wonderful variety of landscapes: we have both mountains and sea, lakes with nearby hills as well as vast plains. In short, in Italy, you can find everything. Italy presents itself as a mega village capable of combining tradition with innovation.

You can smell the fresh tomato sauce made by a grandmother who, simultaneously, is on a video call with her granddaughter who lives on the other side of the planet: because in the end, this historical moment we are currently experiencing has made us change on every front and, even though the period divided us, it actually made us closer by heart.
Our gastronomic tradition, consisting of the Mediterranean diet, proudly boasts the title of the most balanced diet in the world.

Bel Paese has a synonym for excellence known throughout the globe just like the “Made in Italy” is synonymous with guarantee and quality.

Each country is recognized for its exclusive characteristics: ‘’Made in Germany’’ has always been synonymous with reliability, ‘’Made in USA’’ is the sign of innovation; ‘’Made in Japan’’ symbolizes high technology; ‘’Made in Italy’’ expresses the excellence of creativity and craftsmanship.

Especially in the field of fashion, Italy stands out for the quality of its textile products and for the elegance that makes the products superior. The whole world admires and trusts a ‘’Made in Italy’’ product with many people willing to make great sacrifices to buy an Italian brand item which they wear with great pride.

We’ve given you the right reasons to come here, but don’t worry, we’re not done, more are coming!

Once you have landed on our Peninsula, you just have to find a valid reason to stay: a course in the Fashion Management field. 

It is essential to choose internationally recognized university paths.

Communication from the teaching staff:

Often, schools do not communicate who the teachers are or their backgrounds. When choosing a Masters to invest time and effort in, you choose the “teaching staff” and it is crucial to have access to this information. The best structure of a teaching staff consists of a balanced teaching between university teachers, who are the only ones able to give a method, and successful professionals in the sector, who are able to transmit all the know how they acquired from the market throughout the years.

Number of Placement: which frankly and sincerely indicates the actual figure of the students getting a job soon after graduating from the course real involvement of companies in the sector. It must be clear and communicated.

Class Profile: 

All the most important international Masters courses communicate their so-called “class profile”, to inform the student about the learning environment in which they will find themselves. The composition of the classroom shows the school’s design skills and the ability to operate a balanced work in favour of an optimal experience. A classroom with different educational backgrounds, as well as of geographical origins, is better to ensure an international environment and ability to work by providing different skills which favour fashion learning process.


In conclusion: how to get there?

Milano Fashion Institute is committed to mentor international students and in particular extra-E.U. students, in order to fully understand what is the procedure to follow for remaining in Italy and attending MFI Masters.

A visa is a permit issued to citizens of another country that is not part of the European Union, in order to enter the territory of the Italian Republic.

This visa is specifically dedicated to students who will attend a course and remain in Italy for more than 90 days.

The student visa must be requested at the Italian Embassy or at the Italian Consulate in your home country of origin, or in the country in which the student permanently resides, before the departure to Italy.

During the process of requesting the visa, students are required to present their enrolment certificate to the local Italian Embassy or Consulate.

Once the student has arrived in Italy, it is necessary to obtain the “codice fiscale”, that is a unique tax identification code used in all the interactions with government agencies and public administration in Italy, as well as for other purposes.

Sure, it seems very complicated but Milano Fashion Institute guarantees you support in this process.


So, what are you waiting for to request an interview?

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