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Work after three year degree: this is what you need to find employment

After three years of study and anxiety pre-examination, you have finally reached the long-awaited finish line: the graduation! And now? It is important to evaluate the path to be taken to be well prepared for the job market. In this article we see how this result can be achieved.

The job market today

The crisis is running out, the economic and financial situation is gradually improving and the Companies have started the recruitment. But finding a job is still quite difficult. Why?

The scenario in which we are living today, despite the improvements mentioned above, is much more complex and globalized than in the past. This is why companies are faced with sudden changes in the market and constantly evolving demands. In this context, having prepared human resources who can adapt quickly and possess highly specialized skills is a determining factor for companies that want to achieve success or want to keep it.

Who would like to access in the job market today should know in advance  the skills required by the sector in which he is interested and try to acquire them as soon as possible. The best thing would be to specialize on more key skills, in order to prove to be an open minded person with a clear vision of priorities.

If, after completing university studies, you realize that you are not in line with market demands, choosing a master can be a great solution.

Why a Master?

Masters are not only accessible to those who have completed a specializing degree course, it is possible to enroll for those who hold a three-year degree and, in this case, we are talking about a Master.

A postgraduate master degree is a good choice for several reasons, let’s see which are the top three:

  • Duration. A good point for the masters is their brevity. Generally speaking, they have a duration varying between three months and one year. This is what makes it possible for those interested to reach the goal quickly and, in the case, to attend different courses, specializing in multiple areas in limited time.
  • Specialization. By choosing this type of course, you can enrich your university education in depth. The topics discussed are aimed at acquiring well-defined and focused skills.
  • Experience. The masters give the opportunity to those who attend them to approach in practical, as well as theoretical, the themes studied through project development and team work development. The best ones also include a curricular internship in the company, a key point that enriches their work experience at a time when it is difficult to get an internship as well.

These three aspects allow those attending a master to enter in the job market well-prepared and, often, in a better position than those who have chosen other types of learning process.


To sum up, in order to get a job today you need to acquire the key competences of the industry you are interested in. Choosing to attend a master after a three-year degree gives you the opportunity not only to achieve this goal but also to get in advance more practical skills than those who choose a different training offer.

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