MFI Blog

Careers in Italy? Fashion management is one of those!

Finally, here we are again. We have reached a point where fashion companies are starting up again. Indeed, the small growth of 2% – 4% in turnover is expected in 2021. Unfortunately, however, it is not enough to heal what has been lost: about 30% of the expected revenues (data provided by Business of Fashion). The new clothing collections were presented digitally. The various Fashion Weeks have become Digital Fashion Weeks.

The last event made in the presence dates back to mid-February when Italy found itself facing the virus and the event was changed in the running. Everything continues to go on but with due caution.

It will never be a dead sector, it can have moments of stalemate. This yes. But the fashion industry will never stop, this is because it is too beautiful! Oh yes, let’s face it: you have to see what is beautiful, what is ugly, be curious, dare, try and move on. In addition to this, we must add the many professionals who are part of it. It is a very large sector and so is the job opportunity.

Would you like to work in the world of Fashion?

To enter it, you will need adequate preparation. Milano Fashion Institute offers specialized Masters and training courses related to the fashion sector. In particular, MFI offers five postgraduate masters, four of which in Fashion Direction and one in Lifestyle Management.

So we have:

Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Product Management;

Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Business Management;

Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Communication Management;

Master in Fashion Direction: Product Sustainability Management;

Master in Lifestyle Management: Design, Beauty & Events Management.

Each master has different outgoing professional figures. Let’s take some examples.

Our master Product Sustainability Management, created with Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, aims to train managers capable of facing the environmental aspects of the company by developing an awareness of greater responsibility and attention to the surrounding environment. The professional figures trained are therefore junior profiles able to guide the phases of creation and management of a system-product / service, operating by the figures of Design, Marketing and Production present in the company as well as being able to support the CSR manager in the activities related to the actions pursued with a view to corporate sustainability.

Our master in Lifestyle, in collaboration with Assolombarda and Cosmetica Italia, wants to form figures, therefore ‘hybrid’, multidisciplinary, able to put themselves proactively as intermediaries between purely creative profiles, managerial profiles and, finally, communication profile. Therefore, different professional areas of interest are identified, representing the ideal connection between the creative ideation of the products and their integration in managerial processes at company level, brand and business units. In particular, the following junior profiles are identified within the Design, Events and Beauty sectors.

These are just examples and we have not explained the other managerial figures coming out of MFI, we have mentioned the most contemporary ones.

Take a tour on our website or contact us, we will be happy to explain everything you can find out about the world of Fashion Management!

Download the Application Form for MFI Masters

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