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How to become a Fashion Manager?

For young fans of the fashion world, one of the main questions is: how to become a Fashion Manager? In giving oneself an answer, one must consider how important it is to focus on an adequate training course, which knows how to ensure all the necessary skills aimed at guaranteeing the best possible result. In fact, this professional figure must possess numerous skills, since he holds a very important role in the fashion sector and must also carry out various operations, with the highest level of responsibility, attention and preparation.

In this article, Milano Fashion Institute offers you some ideas and advice to take the path towards the career of your dreams!

What characteristics a Fashion Manager must has?

The Fashion Manager has the main task of devising a marketing plan that is functional, in order to support a specific brand. Furthermore, this figure will also have to deal with the management of every single step foreseen by the plan, to ensure that it follows the predetermined path.

Specifically, the actions that must be carried out concern the definition of the collections from a stylistic point of view, the identification of possible price ranges and the analysis of benchmarks, just to name a few. These aspects are also linked to the fact of having to first identify the target to refer to, as well as the relative market.

But there is more: a Fashion Manager must also know how to identify the most suitable sales channels for the brand and, once he has completed all these phases, he will have to plan those concerning the promotion of the products, obviously taking into account any possible detail.

From this brief overview, it is easy to deduce that the skills required of a Fashion Manager are numerous and transversal, as they embrace different disciplines. It is therefore essential if you want to learn how to fill this role in the best possible way, to focus on highly specialized training, which combines theory with practice.

The Masters and Courses of Milano Fashion Institute

Milano Fashion Institute offers highly professional training courses, which will allow you not only to receive all the appropriate knowledge to play the role of Fashion Manager but which will also to provide the right experience in this regard.

The Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Business Management was created to create professionals able to manage the business of a fashion company by combining a vision that starts from management, passes from marketing, and extends to retail. A Master’s is useful for anyone who wants to develop transversal and in-depth skills, to plan and manage the distribution and marketing of fashion brands.

The Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Lifestyle Management is a path specifically designed to offer strategic-managerial training, which is not limited to purely fashion, but reaches the lifestyle sector, also including beauty and cosmetics, design, luxury, etc. From this path “hybrid” professionals emerge who are able to successfully introduce themselves in several areas, thanks to the multiplicity of training inputs that are provided during the course of the Master.

The Master in Fashion Creation: Accessory Design & Management allows you to work not only on any theoretical detail that may be useful to be optimally prepared, but also to put the notions learned into practice. To all this, we must add another important component: the fact that each student will not only have the opportunity to deal with the traditional side of the study of the individual disciplines that will be addressed but also with the experimental one. He will therefore be encouraged to work both on techniques that fall within the craft sector and in that of the most innovative technology.

Students, in each Master’s, also have the opportunity to stay in close contact with professionals of established companies in the fashion field and experience firsthand the world of work in which they wish to pursue a career. With numerous hours of classroom training plus the internship provided for each address, the student will be able to learn every single aspect useful for becoming an excellent Fashion Manager.

Milano Fashion Institute can help you make your talent shine: contact us for any questions about our Masters or Courses!

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