MFI Blog

How to work in fashion: 2 distinct ways to go

To work in fashion you need passion and preparation, regardless of the type of role you want to play in your professional future. Starting from this assumption, the roads that wind through the huge fashion industry are many and all different from each other. The key point, however, is and must always be the passion for fashion and for what it embodies. Who wants to have a future in this sector must have an aesthetic sense, a critical eye and nerve. In this article we want to propose two different paths that the student, passionate about fashion, can undertake to fulfill his dream of working in this magical but, at the same time, hard market sector.

Creativity, decisiveness, personality: these are all the elements that define fashion in depth. It can be said that this market sector, so shining and important for the world economy, represents in reality a typology of artistic expression. On the one hand, therefore, we find the artsy side and creativity, on the other, organization, analysis and responsibility are the kings.

The creative career

When we are talking about fashion, the first figure that appears in our imagination is that of the designer. Their names have given life to the most famous brands and have become the cornerstones of fashion in all over the world. Chanel, Gucci, Valentino, Versace, Dolce&Gabbana are just some of the most beloved names in this panorama, and they are a real inspiration for those who want to make their own fashion.

Those who want to aspire to play a creative role within the great fashion machine, must feel their talent flowing through their veins and, at the same time, be sure of themselves and their abilities. Fashion companies have the difficult task of rewriting fashion periodically, electing new seasonal trends and introducing new style details. For this reason it is essential a specific training that amplifies the artistic skills of the aspiring designer and that opens his mind to still unknown and unexplored visions.

The stylist, the make-up artist, the modeler and the fashion stylist are some of the figures that presuppose artistic study paths and a good dose of practice in the field. To fulfill these roles the passion for fashion is not enough, but it is essential to have charisma, very high artistic and creative skills, an excellent knowledge of materials and fabrics, ability to make useful “beauty”, manual skills and specific, personal soft skills.

The artistic vein, therefore, is fundamental, only afterwards it is placed the path of study and practice in the field.

The directional / managerial career

The fashion company is a structured business reality. Inside of it, there are different departments with different functions, headed by specialized figures called “manager” or “supervisor”. The task of these figures is to organize, monitor and make decisions within their area of expertise, optimizing business flows and processes.

If these figures are missing, the company comes to a standstill and does not grow, even if it has at its disposal the most brilliant minds available on the international fashion scene. It is from here, therefore, that the second path starts: the career in the managerial field.

In order to develop the skills necessary to perform this type of role, more organizational and analytical: it is, first of all, compulsory to have a pleasant temperament as well as soft skills appropriate for this type of work. Secondly, it is important to have obtained an economic/marketing degree (but not only that), in order to fully exploit the academic skills. Once the traditional course of study has been completed, it is good to specialize in the area of reference, with a master’s degree or with a course of professional training studies.

For years, Milan Fashion Institute has pursued the goal of acting as a guide for recent graduates looking for a professional and authoritative occupation. Thanks to the relevant background and the high specialization in the field of fashion management, our institute offers its students training courses that can lead them to play a directional role in the fashion world. The masters we offer are:

For those who, then, would like to have a complete training even on more specific and present, Milan Fashion Institute has developed short courses on topics such as:

It’s really important to acquire information about fashion courses and job opportunities resulting from them. For this reason Milano Fashion Institute follows the student from the beginning of his journey: to provide him a full service.


The world of fashion is vast and constantly evolving. Knowing backwards and forwards all aspects of the realities that populate it, is impossible. That’s why, there is a need for specialization. Each person is different, has limits, facets, personality traits that distinguish it: all these elements, combined, lead the person to select a well-defined path.

In this article we have outlined two of the most popular paths in the fashion industry. If you believe you are in the second category and want to know the MFI-branded training paths in detail, write us here: we are certain that we will be able to answer all your questions, elucidation if this path is right or you or not.

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