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Fashion Internship in Milan: the fundamental tool for working in fashion

The practice and the experience in the field are two fundamental characteristics for finding a job, in any sector. A requirement that companies never dare to omit in a job description is the previous experience in the job; only afterwards the degree obtained is evaluated. How to gain experience, therefore, to become part of the fashion world? The fashion internship in Milan is, without a doubt, the perfect tool. Let’s see together what are the benefits that a work bracket like this can bring to your working future.

The internship in fashion is a fundamental tool for those looking for a job position within the fashion industry. The student will never arrive in a fashion company without first having gained a good experience in the subject or, at least, without having understood how that specific sector works. Why?

  • The fashion business, in particular, has particularly challenging work rhythms to which the student is not accustomed and of which he is not acquainted.
  • The manual skills and soft skills are the duties to which the sector is very attentive and that constantly seeks in the professional figures to be included.
  • The ability to work in team, to coordinate, to make decisions and to withstand pressure and stress are aspects that are acquired directly in the workplace and which are essential for working efficiently.

The internship is, therefore, that piece that is missing to the student to get to his goal: to exercise a rewarding profession in the field he loves most. Milano Fashion Institute proposes its students internships ad hoc within the major Italian fashion companies to give the student a real recruitment possibility. But what are the concrete benefits of an internship in fashion? Below we explain the 4 most visible and important.

If you want to learn more about it, schedule a call with us. We can provide you with all the answer you need.

1. To gain experience in the sector

The internship provides one of the most desired elements for companies looking for staff: the experience. Before even looking at the background, the different specializations and the extra courses sustained by the candidate, the company requires a minimum experience in the field. The reason is quite understandable: the student usually does not know the working environment and has never had the opportunity to test their knowledge in this area. The theory often does not reflect the practice, so hiring a student graduate is always a gamble for the company. The obstacle, then, is not given by the lack of desire of companies to train their employees, but from the need to speed up the process of insertion.

The internship in the fashion field solves this first catch and allows the development of technical and practical skills. The person will be seen as part of a good mechanism and will have to try to contribute profitably and efficiently to its maintenance. The support of the tutor, moreover, gives the extra touch to the path, leading the internship to become both work experience and learning. For any doubt or need, the intern will be able to contact the person in charge: doing so will not only clear his duties but she/he will start to relate with specific figures within the company.

2. Know yourself and increase your soft skills

The internship period in the fashion world is an opportunity not only to get to know the industry, but also and above all to know thyself. During the course of study, the student acquires fundamental notions for his professional life and learns to control the subject in a profound way. In this cycle of learning, the student interfaces with other actors (professors, classmates, university employees) and slowly begins to grow up personally too. The actual release happens, however, in the workplace, where the student learns to know each other, to understand what are its impassable limits and which are its unexpected qualities. There may be inherent in the person specific propensities, which may conflict with the duties or attitudes required by the company. This situation, however, does not mean that the student should stop in his “comfort zone” and denigrate all that is new and unknown to him. On the contrary, the individual will engage in every task and thanks to this he will be able to understand who he really is, what he wants from his work and what are the objectives that he has for the future life. Are all these things born in an internship experience? The answer is yes, because it is the first experience that leads the person to face reality until then unknown.

3. To build relationships with companies and professionals

The inclusion in the company, although for a short time, gives the possibility to the intern to cultivate a network of knowledge able to put it in a favorable future position. What does this mean? During the internship in a big company of the fashion world, the intern discovers for the first time the working dimension of fashion. Start working closely with experienced and professional people; begins to know the company’s highest offices; learn about suppliers and companies providing specific services for fashion. In this way the network of knowledge is enlarged, going to be a very good basis for a future search for employment.

In the case of the curricular internship offered by MFI, in fact, the company accepts to host the student in its premises but does not guarantee its recruitment, as it is a preparatory stage for the master. However, if the young person proves to be capable, stubborn and eager to learn and work, the company can decide to include him in its staff once he has completed his training with Milan Fashion Institute.

4. Prevents the CV ending up in the trash and helping to find full-time work

The fourth and last point is undoubtedly the one that most interests the young student. The internship is a great business card, as it denotes resourcefulness and the desire to get involved. In addition to this, the internship is synonymous of experience in the field, which, as we said, turns out to be a characteristic that companies seek and reward. Therefore, having an updated Curriculum Vitae with professional internships is undoubtedly the launch pad for a new job, in this case in the fashion world.

The internship, therefore, is the tool that every student should use to secure a future. This is why the Masters of Milan Fashion Institute all expect a period of internship at the best Italian and foreign Fashion Companies: to allow the young to grow, to build a wealth of consistent experience and to increase the chances of being hired by one of these big companies.


If you are thinking of enrolling in a professional master, always make sure that there is a mandatory curricular internship period in the path. In fact, this aspect will only benefit you and your future. The internship is a very powerful tool that should not be underestimated.

If you want to know more and learn in detail how the internships offered by MFI work in its masters, contact us directly here. Our contacts are always ready to clarify your every doubt! If you want to know with which companies we collaborate for our internships and educational trips, you can see them here.

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