MFI Blog

Digital Fashion: what is it and how is the fashion industry changing?

In the vast and intricate universe of fashion, digital innovations are spreading in an increasingly pervasive way, transforming the industry in ways that would have seemed impossible just a few decades ago. Digital fashion is the outcome of this fusion, where technology and fashion converge to create what has not existed before.

Digital fashion, also known as e-fashion, digital couture, or virtual fashion, represents a branch of the fashion industry that revolves around creating clothing using software, artificial intelligence (AI), and 3D technology. This sector appears destined to revolutionize the way of working and creating fashion, potentially in an irreversible manner.

The digital future of fashion

Artificial intelligence, from ChatGPT to TikTok filters, has become an integral part of our daily lives. This transformational technology has also significantly impacted the fashion world, giving rise to digital fashion.

Through virtual avatars and digital models, digital fashion enables individuals to experience wearing clothing that cannot be physically touched, yet they can interact with it within a virtual environment. Virtual garments and accessories have already become an integral part of the fashion industry, holding significant value, both economically and creatively. Furthermore, the potential for growth and expansion in this domain is boundless.

Digital fashion is proving to be a winning card in the industry, particularly as it aligns well with other contemporary market trends, such as sustainability. With millions of kilograms of clothing being disposed of every year in Europe alone, a large portion of which is not recycled, leveraging technology to reduce this waste assumes immense importance.

Consequently, preparing for a career in this evolving world becomes essential. But how does one achieve this?

Preparing for change with a Master in Fashion

Those who will have to ride the wave of the revolution implemented by digital fashion will be above all the Fashion Managers of the future: in fact, anyone who wants to make a career in this world can no longer ignore the importance of technology in fashion.

To prepare for the best, therefore, it is advisable to choose a Master in Fashion that gives high-level training and that gives the opportunity to experience the fashion industry firsthand. With Milano Fashion Institute these two objectives can be achieved with any Master present in the training offer. In the MFI Masters, a part of the program is always dedicated to Digital Fashion and how this is actually changing the cards on the table.

Some of our masters are:

Master Brand & Product Management: this master aims to train professionals specialized in product management and merchandising for fashion brands. Within the program there are therefore modules on process management, on the creation of projects and products, on the coordination of various parts and production areas and much more. All this without forgetting the most digital and innovative ways to create and manage a product.

Master Fashion Design & Management: with a more creative approach, this master aims to train designers specialized in ready-to-wear and beyond. In collaboration with major fashion brands, this master focuses in a very innovative way on an area such as fashion design, precisely to offer its students solid skills to face the changes of AI and fashion 4.0.
Master Brand & Sustainability Management: as we said previously, innovation and sustainability are not two opposing concepts, but rather two fronts on which to work to achieve the same goal. This master analyzes the concept of sustainable fashion and does so with a wide-ranging program, aimed at preparing qualified specialists ready for the challenges that the future (and also the present) of fashion holds.

In addition to these, there are numerous Masters that Milano Fashion Institute offers to students from all over the world: the international and dynamic context of our campus allows each of them to express their full potential and talent.

If you are interested in enrolling in our masters or simply want more information, simply write to us by filling out the form on the appropriate page: our Tutors will answer all your doubts or curiosities.

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