MFI Blog

How to evaluate a Master in Fashion Management from the promoter Institution

After graduating, it is time to decide how to continue your training course. One of the options for having more chances of finding a qualificated job is the master. But there are so many master in fashion management, as there are so many Institutes that propose them. How to evaluate a master according to the Institution that organizes it? Here are our tips.

The world of work becomes, year after year, increasingly complicated and indecipherable. The skills required of the worker are growing, along with flexibility, willfulness, constant commitment and desire to grow professionally and thus to take responsibility. The student who will attend the interview must therefore be aware that without such features, his curriculum will be discarded. To prepare adequately and get in front of the recruiter experienced and secure it is imperative to follow a highly trained course like the master.

The master in Fashion Management is one of the most appreciated within the fashion industry, but not only. Italy has a background that included many different ambitions, but only one thing unites them all: the beauty. Our country – the beautiful country – has been the home of artists, sculptors and poets who have infiltrated our culture to create new “beautiful” and “creative” types. Fashion is undoubtedly one of these. The fashion industry in Italy is very strong and is also watched with admiration abroad. Many foreign students, in fact, decide to undertake specialized training courses in our country, particularly in Milan, the epicenter of Italian high fashion.

But how do you choose the best fashion management master? What should an Institute offer to be in the short list of the candidates?

Which Institute?

The master is decided, now you have to choose the right Institute. The first thing to consider is the mission of the Institute and the goal for its students. Let’s say why, unfortunately, there are institutes projected towards achieving a certain profit rather than the success of their members. Understanding this is not easy, but researching and asking directly to students and staff we are able to build a plausible profile of the Institute. Once understood, it is necessary to focus on the services offered.

Needless to say, the training path must be of a certain level, otherwise you would not speak of a professional master. Courses must be structured in such a way as to train the person not only in terms of knowledge but also ability. Practical lessons and more focused in the job world. It is also not possible to think of a master without a curricular internship suitable for inserting the student into the company. But let’s go with order, before enrolling in a master you need:

– Not only inform the master you want to attend, but also about the past editions. So it is possible to understand how many years the Institute works, how masters have changed over the years, and what outcome they have had on the careers of alumni.

– Check if the Institute offers collateral services such as the correct path to job placement a careful and custom support service during the enrollment process.

– Information on the type of payment: the possibility of paying in a dilated way and with a fee; the possibility of obtaining scholarships awarded on the basis of certain characteristics such as the financial situation, the curriculum of the student and the motivation.

– Check which services are to be paid and which not: many Institutes also charge for the application process (application form). In case of a negative result, the student will not only have access to the master but will also have lost money.

These are some of the aspects to consider when it is time to evaluate a master for you interesting. The element that is most important for us is the internship. A master can not be defined without a company integration project. A good part of the master must be done on the field, in direct contact with the world in which you want to specialize. Milano Fashion Institute for its internships is proud to collaborate with great Italian and international fashion names. Projects like these make the difference and make the student personally and professionally grow.


Again in this case we wanted to say our opinion about a very dear topic to us: the future of the fashion industry and its new levers. We hope this article has met your curiosity and has answered some of your questions. If you need more information, Milano Fashion Institute team remain at your disposal!

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