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What to do after modern letters to find a job?

Italy is one of the European countries with the highest rate of graduates in Literature. So far there should not be anything strange, especially if you think that our country has a very historical, cultural and aesthetic background. The problem is in the post graduation, insurmountable obstacle for a big part of humanistic students. How to find a job after a degree in modern literature, then? In this article we try to give an answer, providing a viable and satisfying way to fill the gap of unemployment.

Degree in Classical and Modern Literature

For some time around the faculty of Literature and Philosophy hovers a sort of dark shadow: the media are talking about it worse and worse, defining the humanistic study a waste of time, while professionals and economists reiterate the importance of more professional studies, in their opinion, as engineering , economy and others. On the one hand they are right, because nowadays the faculties of Letters churn out a huge amount of graduate students who, however, are struggling to find a job in the short term. On the other hand, however, all this anguish towards this major appears to be unjustified, as well as excessive.

The Italian peninsula is known throughout the world for many things, including a history based on successes, discoveries, culture, aesthetics and intellect. Now the Italian population is, in Europe, one of those that reads less. How is it possible, then, that such a large quantity of graduates come from this world? The choice of the faculty is part of a very delicate moment of the adolescent’s life: the ideas are not yet completely clear and we tend to choose according to our passions and what we like at that moment. To say that literature is one of the most formative subjects at the level of personality is an obviousness, but when it comes to transforming it into “profession” something starts to creak.

The Faculty of Letters is divided into two branches: the one of Classic Letters and the one of Modern Letters. The first is more focused on increasing the personality and character of the young student, proposing a purely humanist path with courses in Latin, Greek, Italian, ancient history, ancient literature, philosophy and so on. The course of Modern Literature, on the other hand, is more focused on the acquisition of specific linguistic skills in Italian and on the study of literatures. Both addresses, based on the choices made by the various universities, can hide subjects that are slightly out of the box such as Archeology, Cinema History, Didactics, Foreign Literature and so on.

What can you do after having undertaken a three-year degree of this discipline? The streets, in this case, are different and include the specialized course (master’s degree) and the master. Let’s see where these paths lead and which ones are the best to secure a job.

If you want to learn more about it, schedule a call with us. We can provide you with all the answer you need.

After the three-year degree in Literature

The difficulty of entering the world of work after the three-year degree in Literature and Philosophy is given by the growing demand and the limited number of available places. To have a chance to catch the coveted desk is essential to increase the skills on the subject or change course and use the skills acquired in other areas.

The master’s degree

The first path, the most classic, concerns a specialized training in the literary field. Within this path you can choose the address best suited to the student’s vocation as:

  • Archeology, philology, literature and history of antiquity
  • Philosophy
  • Italian literature, modern philology and linguistics
  • Music and entertainment
  • Information, communication and publishing sciences
  • History and document sciences
  • Art history

After the three-year general course, we enter specifically with a training course over two years. Here the student seeks an advanced humanist education as well as a specialization in a particular field. With the masterly the student tries to differentiate himself and enter deeper into what should become the future profession. The problems are, however, always the same:

  • The jobs reserved for these graduates are there, but they do not cover the very high demand.
  • The world of teaching, the birthplace of graduates in Literature, is increasingly difficult to achieve due to an increasingly tight bureaucracy and the antiquated ranking system.
  • The constant decline in respect towards those who take humanistic paths.

The Master in Fashion

Milano Fashion Institute has been a part of the training world for a long time and has seen students coming from the most disparate fields (law degree, degree in languages, etc.) pass through its corridors. One of these is the humanistic field, which still boasts a good share in our classrooms. But why students graduated in Literature should try a professional master in fashion business? Of course, the creativity and mental flexibility that these students have acquired during the period of humanistic training makes them perfect candidates for inclusion in an evolving environment such as fashion. The possibilities in this case are part of a well-defined path, focused on achieving optimal skills and growth in the fashion sector.

  • Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Business Management: in this intensive one-year course, the student will learn the logic behind the business of a company in the fashion world. The aim is to train the individual to the management of leader companies in the fashion world, leading him to manage with professionalism, responsibilities, the product, the retail and much more.
  • Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Communication Management: in this case, instead, the focus is represented by communication. In a culture full of increasingly advanced media (and delivery), the fashion company must find its place and speak to its target in an appropriate, captivating and creative way. Communication in the fashion world passes through different channels, increasingly elaborate and “digital”: in this first level master, therefore, the student will learn, both in the classroom and in the field, to promote the brand to achieve success.
  • Master in Fashion Direction: Brand & Product Management: in this training course, the student acquires transversal skills in the management of brand and product. Thanks to all-round training in this sector, the candidate will have a more managerial ability, focusing his activity on brand management, planning and implementation of collections and much more.

The three masters proposed by Milano Fashion Institute are aimed at permanent integration into the world of work. The “professionalizing” title is an indicator: the three first level masters follow, in fact, different strands, but have as their final aim the acquisition of specific skills in a well-defined area. This is why many graduates in literature choose us, to deepen a world that consists of creativity, communication and, above all, professional satisfaction.


Milano Fashion Institute, thanks to the various cores that compose it, stands out because it channels the student towards the desired goal: a satisfying workplace, in a constantly evolving field and destined to grow. Many university faculties are no more than a springboard, as well as forgers of character and personality. Learning a profession, however, is very different and requires more specific paths and field experience, such as that provided with our Internships.

If you want to know more about our training offer we suggest you to fix a call with one of our consultants. They will answer all your questions related to our masters, but also to our Short Courses.

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