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How to choose a Master in Fashion Marketing in Milan? Our three advices

Having a clear idea of what to do after university studies is already a good first step. If you choose to take the path of the master in the Fashion Industry, it’s necessary to understand what direction to take because the possible addresses to choose are a lot and completely different from each other. The offer ranges from specific masters to acquire skills in design and creative development, up to masters in fashion business to increase managerial skills in a prolific sector such as fashion. There is still a choice to be made, therefore, for the newly graduated student:  what’s type of master in fashion to be pursued? In this article we want to give three advice on how to choose the most appropriate master in fashion, based on the market and the character of the person who will attend it.

Milan is the cradle of Italian fashion, the many fashion events that periodically alternate in the city say that – how to forget Milan Fashion Week – and the multitude of companies operating in this sector. Here, bright minds grow in an energetic and stimulating environment: the young people are more and more motivated to fight for what they love, despite the increasingly large clerk. Finding the right job is never easy, but in Milan things are constantly moving and give young people the chance to experience and understand what is the right path for them.

Moreover, in the fashion industry there are vacancy positions, it’s needed capturing them with the right tools, with the right level of preparation and with a good dose of soft skills. The important thing is to understand which direction is most appropriate to take, in terms of job placement and growth opportunities.

#1 – Basic Training

The fashion world fascinates anyone, because it embodies the essence of success. Indeed, the fashion industry is one of the most productive in the world. Based on the data extrapolated from the authoritative source of the Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper, in 2017 the turnover of the fashion industry in Italy was 94 billion, 3.2% more than in 2016. In Italy the fashion industry, which includes every specific area (footwear, jewelry, furs, etc.), is made up of over 600 thousand people, with a total export of 65.6%.

It’s a fact: “Made in Italy” brand is synonymous with quality all over the world, and this allows our country to invest in this sector and, in parallel, companies to grow.

Therefore, to enter this world, it is essential to start from one’s basic training. Nothing prevents a law graduate to undertake a career in fashion: he must however choose a role in line with his previous training and prepare himself adequately to play it.

The first advice we’d like to give to the new graduate is precisely to assess carefully the various possibilities of inclusion, starting from an in-depth analysis of personal and technical skills. The result will certainly lead to consider the most appropriate profession, whether it be a role as a Marketing Manager or a Sales Assistant. Our advice is, however, to focus on business-oriented professions, as the fashion company is, first of all, a great entrepreneurial machine made of strategies, plans and statistical analysis. To facilitate personal analysis, we link here our article on the professions in fashion.

If you want to learn more about it, schedule a call with us. We can provide you with all the answer you need.

#2 – Grad School

Regardless of the origin of the young graduate, a period of specific training is required to become part of the fashion world. The internal mechanisms of the sector are different from all the others, and to work there is necessary to know fashion, its history and what moves the company to pay attention to trends and new proposals.

After having carried out the personal analysis, then the student will have to start looking for the master able to guide him towards the goal: the position in the fashion field closer to himself. In Milan there are many fashion schools and the courses they offer touch on the most disparate fields: from Design, the most coveted and dreamed by fashion addicts, to Masters in Fashion Direction, ideal for aspiring to a fruitful career in Fashion Business.

Therefore, the quest of the master must be carried out with accuracy. In addition to acquiring online information, it’s important to make contact with the Institute and ask all the appropriate questions. If then there is the possibility, even the meeting in person is a good way to dissolve doubts and understand what is included in the education provided by the institution. In the specific case of Milan Fashion Institute, personal counseling is a fundamental part of the information process. The institute, indeed, makes available to the students and their families a specific counseling service, which clarifies all the doubts related to the courses, the application process (Application Form and eligibility), the education offering, the inclusive internship period, costs and methods of payment. Nothing should be left to chance, as the master conveys the business success of student in the fashion industry.

#3 – The increasing of the soft skills

The last piece of advice we want to give is to increase personal soft skills, that is those transversal skills that define the person. Technical competence is fundamental, because it makes the student able to work with a knowledge of the cause, without creating situations that are harmful to the company. However, other types of skills are also essential, which are not acquired at school, but with direct experience. Some are even innate in the individual, an aspect that greatly enhances the positive perception of the company towards him, as well as increasing the chances of hiring.

An example of soft skill? The organization. Nothing must be left to chance in the fast-paced world of fashion. The work, proper and of the subordinates in the case of managerial tasks, must be organized in a precise and careful manner, so that the margin of error is almost non-existent. Another soft skill is, for example, resistance to pressure and stress, a personal quality much appreciated by companies operating in this sector. But how is it possible to increase, if not even develop, this kind of skills? One solution is the fieldwork. Milan Fashion Institute, indeed, provides a period of internship for each of his masters (internships in fashion) to give the opportunity to students to see with their own eyes what it means to work in a Fashion Company of the caliber of Fendi, Giorgio Armani and Versace.


Summing up, we can say that the conquest of a job in the fashion world provides a period of personal reflection and the careful choice of the course of study to be undertaken. We hope to have resolved some of your doubts with this article, and now it’s clearer to you how to proceed to reach the right job position for you.

If you need to receive more information, both on what has been described up to now and on the masters and courses of Milan Fashion Institute, contact us here. Our team is ready to answer any of your questions!

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