MFI Blog

How to choose the right Master? Here are the 3 points that you haven’t considered

When you finish a University study course, what happens? Usually two doors open: the first one leads to the work world, and the other one to the specializing educational path. Given the difficulty for the student to derive a profession from the three years of University studies, the second door becomes the most crossed one. By choosing a master, the student chooses a way to deepen their knowledge in a specific field, but especially to put into practice the concepts acquired and complete their training in a technical and operational level. However, how to choose the right master? Here are some things to keep in mind to avoid getting lost in the journey.


In recent years, also due to the economic crisis, we have witnessed the birth of an increasing number of Masters in the entire Italian peninsula. Therefore, the student has been encountered by a disproportionate amount of training possibilities without being able to distinguish their integrity and professionalism. Starting there come the bad experiences, the huge sums spent on worthless certificates and forced transfers in-between cities without a real prospect of growth. Today this trend has subsided slightly, but the “hoaxes” are still around. For this reason it is very important, even before getting informed on the training path of the Master, to understand from which institution it is provided, what background it has and which teachers it depends on.

The granting institution: Understanding the level of trust of the institution is essential to make a careful choice: if the information concerning the disbursing structure is nebulous and difficult to find, the best thing to do is change direction and consider a different master.

  • The background: knowing the history behind an institute and how much it operates in the sector is fundamental to understand the degree of reliability of the structure. It is advisable to be wary of the masters who are not easily linked to a well-established institute or to an institute that has worked in the sector for few years, also from those offering courses that are less than 12 months of duration. Milano Fashion Institute has undertook more than 10 years of specific training courses in the fashion industry and, as previously mentioned, it derives from highly prestigious universities in Milan (About Us section in the website).
  • Teachers: a tactic widely used by fraudulent realities to attract more members, is represented by the ostentation of a “big network” of teachers renowned around the world, including also showbusiness figures. It is very important to pay close attention to these cases, because most of the time they hide bad surprises. Our advice is therefore to provide detailed information on the course of teachers: which are their studies, in which institutions they have taught, what is their area of specialization and which projects and collaborations have they supported over the years. On the Faculty page, our institute indicates the professionalism of its teaching staff clearly.

If you want to learn more about it, schedule a call with us. We can provide you with all the answer you need.


The Master is a tool that allows students to increase their skills in a specific field. Therefore, the choice of the in-depth scope must not be taken for granted or carried out lightly, but it must be the result of careful analysis of the surrounding working situation. Choosing a sector based on one’s own passions or the path of study just concluded, could be counterproductive.

An educational path that deals with a niche area can be really appealing to the student’s eyes. The desire to always learn new things, puts him/her in the conditions to suffer the charm of the “different” master. To get back down to earth, however, it is enough to ask a question “where will this training course take me?“. The answer comes by itself: which is the niche that often does not find an exit in the labor market.

A generic master that is too close to the course of study just ended, however, does not increase the capacity of the student, nor provides the tools to fit properly into the world of work. The goal of the master, in fact, is to train the student also from a technical and operational point of view (the internships in this path are very important).

Self-assessment is the first step towards choosing the most appropriate master. If you have a so-called “weak” degree, or one with few job opportunities, such as degrees in modern literature or in law, it is good to look for specialization in a field that knows no crisis, taking advantage of the concepts learned during the previous years. Milano Fashion Institute proposes specific masters for inclusion in the fashion industry, which has always represented the Italian excellence recognized throughout the world. The three masters, in fact, have as their focus the all-round training of the student in particular branches of fashion industry: communication, product and business management.

Technical training

The greatest obstacle that the student must overcome, once graduated, is the transition from theory to practice. The university study path does not prepare students for the world of work but, provides them with the theoretical basis on which to build their work. No university course has as its purpose the practice in the field and the achievement of a certain operational confidence in the subject. This is why the masters were born: to give the student the opportunity to put into practice the cultural baggage learned during the years at the university and to increase the knowledge in the reference sector.

Technical training is a fundamental value of the master, so much so that a master must have integrated an internship path to be considered as such. Just think that at least one third of the master is usually occupied by the training internship at one of the institute’s partner companies. Milano Fashion Institute offers the student a period of professional training in companies of great importance in the fashion industry: from Vivienne Westwood to Gucci, from Ferragamo to Braccialini, up to Valentino and Armani.


It is therefore good to carefully evaluate each detail before making a choice like the one of the master to be chosen. To avoid wasting time and, above all money, in a general or niche master’s degree, it is essential to examine the points listed above. With a nice picture outlined before the eyes, the choice will come by itself, and most likely also the inclusion in the world of work.

We hope that this content has been to your liking and that it has helped you avoid mishaps in the world of professional training. If you want to know more in depth our training offer and our masters, you can contact us here and talk directly with our consultants. We are sure that they will be able to examine your case and help you to understand if the fashion world is the right path for you.

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